
Amending Kentucky’s Constitution to Protect Crime Victims
How MSS was the Driving Force Behind Marsy’s Law For Kentucky When a national advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring equal rights for crime victims targeted Kentucky, they turned to the state’s recognized leader in getting big issues across the finish line to get the job done right. ISSUE When someone becomes a victim in...
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Better Access to Quality Eye Care
Kentucky Optometric Association Issue Optometrists serve approximately 3 million patients in 106 Kentucky counties. The demand for healthcare services in Kentucky is expected to grow dramatically as an additional 600,000 Kentuckians are estimated to obtain insurance coverage. Because of this increased demand, in 2010 the Kentucky Optometric Association (KOA) filed legislation that will allow...
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Kentuckians for Entrepreneurship & Growth
House Bill 168 – the “Beer Bill” Issue Since Prohibition, the regulation of alcoholic beverages has almost exclusively been left to each individual State to oversee. With limited exceptions and like the majority of States, Kentucky has operated under a three-tier system for the production, distribution, and sale of alcohol. This means a supplier...
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Historic Preservation Tax Credits
21C Lexington & Whiskey Row Louisville Issue Due to a cap of $5 million per year and the allocation of tax credits given on a pro-rata basis, Kentucky’s Historic Preservation Tax Credit program is not conducive to meaningful revitalization and larger scale developments. The majority of these revitalization projects require significant upfront capital and...
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Kentucky’s Public Libraries
Issue In 2013, public libraries across the Commonwealth were “bursting at the seams” and had not seen capital investment from the state in more than a decade. These libraries provide critical access to literacy, education, job skill development, and Internet services. They also serve as economic development anchors for communities in distress and as...
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Medication Synchronization
Bill Sponsor: Senator Julie Raque Adams Bill: SB 44 – 2015 Regular Session Issue Medications are the most cost-effective treatment for medical conditions, and yet patients routinely miss doses, fail to refill a prescription or stop taking medications without consulting their provider. Nationally, half of the 3.2 billion annual prescriptions dispensed are not taken...
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Kentucky Optometric Association
Allowing KY Optometrists to Dispense Contact Lenses that Contain Medications Issue Medical advances are being made every day in the world of eye care and it is imperative that optometrists in Kentucky have no barriers that would prevent them from providing the care their patient’s need. Currently, contact lenses are being developed that contain...
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Tackling the Heroin Epidemic in 2015
Issue The heroin epidemic has surged in Kentucky in the last decade. According to the Office of Drug Policy, of the 722 overdose deaths autopsied by the Kentucky Medical Examiner in 2013, 230 overdoses (31.9 percent) were attributed to heroin. Compare that to 143 (19.6 percent) in 2012 and 42 (3 percent) in 2011....
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